self myofascial release tools

5 of the Highest Rated Self Myofascial Release Tools

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Self myofascial release is something that I attribute to getting me out of a ton of pain. It’s one of the largest pillars on this site for injury recovery and prevention.

I have used it to relieve my previously painful case of plantar fasciitis in which my heel and parts of my arch and ankle would hurt so bad that it was hard to walk very far. I’ve used it to break up some old scar tissue around my ankles and feet from the many twisted and sprained ankles I’ve had over the years.

I also use it for general maintenance to address anything that feels a little too tight like my achilles tendon and my calves (which are particularly hard to loosen up). 

This is a list of products and tools that I have seen to be consistently very helpful to people with all kinds of soft tissue problems. I tried to recommend a variety of tools that will be able to reach the fine, smaller muscle groups (like along the shin bone, around the ankle) and tools that are better suited for large muscle groups (like over the quadricep muscles). 

I chose the highest quality products available versus trying to trade off better quality for a lower price.

I’ve come to realize this trade off is never worth it as I recently had to throw away my first pair of toe spacers that I had been using for bunion relief (a different pair than what I recommend on this site).

They just started to fall apart and become less effective over time because they were made very poorly. It’s frustrating when you rely on something for help and it doesn’t stand up to the test for long. 

I’d also like to mention that I’m not going to include the typical foam rollers or foot massager tools used to just give temporary relief. I’m aiming for tools that can actually release soft tissue adhesions and create change so you truly feel better with lasting results.

In no particular order, here are 5 of the best products I could find for myofascial release and soft tissue repair purposes:

TriggerPoint Foam Massage Ball

Ideal for deep tissue massage, the TriggerPoint Foam Massage Ball targets small muscle groups such as in the calves, piriformis, and pecs. It also offers 3 options of varying size and hardness: firm and 2.5 inches tall, extra firm and 2.5 inches tall, and firm and 5 inches tall.

Aches, pains, and muscle fatigue will not stand up against the direct, deep tissue compression that this ball offers. The ball encourages blood and oxygen flow to enhance overall movement, range of motion, and performance.

Massage balls are an excellent place to start with general myofascial release. I have personally been using a ball for the last several months to loosen up the muscles in my lower legs and feet.

For more details, click here.

STICKON Soft Tissue Mobilization Tool

A different type of myofascial tool, the Stickon Tool specializes in mobilizing soft tissue in areas of the body that most equipment would struggle to handle, specifically the wrists, elbows, back, calves, knees, upper and lower leg. This tool was developed in order to help people address adhesions and scarring from surgeries, injuries, and overuse of muscles.

The tool has multiple ends and edges to use for different sized muscle groups and for different shaped surfaces. The finger-shaped grip on the inside of the tool gives you full control of the area you’re trying to mobilize, unlike most tools which require you to stabilize them while you’re focusing on releasing an area. There’s also the option of 5 other different shapes of tools to choose from.

If you are post-injury or post-surgery and have some sort of physical therapy protocol, this STICKON tool is a great place to start. It’s always wise to go into newly damaged areas to make sure you are breaking up any new adhesions and scar tissue to keep your muscles from sticking too much.

For more details, click here.

The Wave Tool

This is truly the swiss army knife of myofascial tools. The Wave Tool has several different ends and edges to address any damaged surface on your body. The tool can be used to treat a wide variety of issues such as tendonitis, scar tissue, adhesions, fibrosis, muscle strain, and myofascial pain.

Like the previous tool, they can both be used for scraping purposes. This is sometimes called the Graston technique. Most cases of physical therapy will use a tool like this for muscle recovery purposes. It involves scraping a tool like this over and around the damaged area to break up scar tissue and release the muscles involved in the injury.

When I had surgery on my elbow, a large part of my physical therapy afterward involved scraping over the inside of the elbow and down my forearm with tools like the STICKON tool and Wave tool. At the time, I didn’t understand why this was useful but I now know that it was very necessary in my recovery.

For more details, click here.

FITPULSE Muscle Massage Gun

The massage gun is very helpful in getting athletes to recover and restore their muscles. With 10 different massage heads, 30 adjustable speed levels, and a 6 hour battery life, there’s sure to be relief in any of your myofascial pain. The massage gun is capable of anything from relaxing muscles, to fascia release, to eliminating lactic acid, to deep tissue massage.

It’s hard not to love how passive the massage gun can make your recovery process. Unlike the other tools which involve some exertion to put pressure into your muscles, this tool allows you to relax while you let the gun do the hard work for you. Just target a specific area, and adjust the gun’s settings as necessary to achieve the results you need.

For more details, click here.

Gua Sha Massage Tool Set

For those who are committed to myofascial release because they know how beneficial it is, a set of high quality tools may be just the answer for a lifetime of supple muscles. These tools can release the tightness and pain out of any muscles in the body because there are 6 tools of varying shapes and sizes that can access even the most isolated muscle groups in the body.

The best part is it can all be done yourself, no need for a physical therapist. With the different options and customized grips for each tool, you are sure to find a solution to any muscular limitation you have.

This massage tool set is medical grade quality and used by health professionals. Like some of the previous tools, these are ideal for muscle scraping or myofascial release. But now you have the option of all of those tools in one set.

For more details, click here.


2 responses to “5 of the Highest Rated Self Myofascial Release Tools”

  1. Are there any videos on how to use the Wave tool, or the Stickon Soft tissue tool?

  2. Mella Degnan Avatar
    Mella Degnan

    I have the samStill e question as above.
    Still in the birkenstock phase and realizes they are too stiff but give a lot of relief, just as you did. Trouble trnasitioning to a shoe with a thin sole and no support though.

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