food companies

3 Food Companies that are Head and Shoulders Above the Rest

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I’ve gotten to a point where I’d rather have my food be simple and clean than have a fun, wide variety that is compromised by crappy ingredients.

I used to try to cook really interesting meals. I wanted variety. I wanted to incorporate a huge amount of different things together.

Here’s the thing though, I’m not a chef. Nor am I getting paid to learn to be one. So I want things to be simpler now.

Clean food, nutritionally dense, and satisfying. Nothing complicated, just what food should be.

Here are 3 of the food brands I have been eating religiously lately because they check all these boxes:


REBBL is a health drink company that offers different sparkling drinks, coffees, and protein shakes. I am particularly into their protein shakes because the ingredients are second to none.

These have been my drink of choice for the past few months. I honestly live for these.

If you are someone who’s into having a nice, creamy drink as a treat in the middle of the day like I am, this is the one for you. That’s exactly what I want on my off days. Something that’s creamy, a little sweet, but still nutritious.

This is the one, completely guilt-free. REBBL’s drinks are organic and dairy-free. The base in all their options is either coconut milk or oat milk, which I love.

I never used to be into protein shakes, but now that I’m working out more and want more protein and calories in general, I seek out healthy protein shake options.

Luckily, REBBL carries exactly that. Each one has 16 grams of protein, is low carb, low sugar, and excellent as a supplemental source of calories. They all have ashwagandha, maca root, and reishi mushroom added to them, without being able to taste it. As I talked about recently, these are excellent natural testosterone boosters. 

These drinks are a staple in my diet and I’ve been having at least one a day for the past couple months.


Cappello’s is an alternative flour-product brand that makes pizzas, pastas, gnocchi, cookie dough, etc.

This is the brand I get all my pizzas from at this point. And I love pizza so I get a lot of it.

They’re very unique because like REBBL, they use no artificial ingredients or fillers, and the interesting thing is that their dough is made from almond flour. I remember when people couldn’t get used to cauliflower crust pizza, now the alternatives have gone even further as companies are getting more creative.

So its not only gluten-free, but grain-free altogether which is very impressive. What’s more impressive is that you can’t even tell its not a normal pizza. I had my girlfriend try one of their pizzas with me and she didn’t even know the crust was made from different ingredients. She’s very picky too so I knew this thing was the real deal.

The cheese is made from whole milk which I also love. Dairy can be a tricky subject for people and I’m a believer that you should go as close to raw milk as possible. 

I am now starting to branch into their other products and so far I’ve absolutely loved everything. Their pizzas are some of the best I’ve had, their pasta is great and boils in 2 minutes, and now I’m trying their gnocchi.


Another staple in my diet lately is Chomp’s beef sticks. These are the ultimate convenience snack, or breakfast as I like to use them for.

I have a beef stick and a REBBL protein smoothie every morning before work and it’s become one of a few healthy habits I’ve developed recently. 25 grams of protein together, some healthy fat, and low sugar content to start my day feeling good.

Chomp’s beef sticks are made with grass fed and finished beef. This is a huge deal because that is basically the highest quality of beef you’ll find in supermarkets.

Many forms of beef say ‘grass fed’ but don’t specify when the cows were fed grass or for how long.

Sadly, food language can be very tricky and even deceptive at times, so grass fed might only mean the cows were started on a grass diet but finished on a GMO corn and soy diet, which is unnatural for cows. This makes their meat less healthy and nutritious for us to eat.

I was already sold on their brand with this fact alone, but they are also packed in a beef collagen casing. In my opinion, the more collagen you can get into your diet, the better. So I enjoy eating it in food form rather than as a supplement for a change.

Chomps also offers other meat sticks made from venison or turkey. The turkey ones I have tried as well and I can say they’re very good. I am just a big fan of beef so that is what I stick with.


You can find these brands and many more clean eating options at Thrive Market.

Thrive is the #1 online supermarket for natural, organic, and specialty diet foods. With over 1 million members, they make healthy living easy and deliver everything right to your doorstep. Get started today for instant savings and a free gift.


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