what i'm working on

Who I Am and What I’m Working On in 2023

Hi, my name is Will and I’m putting this post together to share about myself, let you know what I have to offer, and talk about what’s to come in the near future.

I’ve been writing blog posts since early 2019, and shortly after that I started posted social media content along with it. So I’ve put together quite a bit of material about the topics I cover.

Some of those topics include plantar fasciitis/heel pain relief, bunions, achilles tendonitis, running, footwear design, healthy lifestyle, and diet and nutrition. These are all the topics I’ve covered here, but I am especially focused on plantar fasciitis and bunions now.

A Little About Me

In 2018, I suffered a major injury to my left foot that would later be diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. This happened while I had been practicing taekwondo, so unfortunately that had to be stopped once I got hurt. At the time, I was attending classes several times per week, sparring regularly, and competing in tournaments. Read the full story here.

I was also very into running and playing soccer, which both had to be put on hold as well. This was devastating to me to say the least. I was out of these activities for such a long time that I didn’t know how, when, or even if I’d be able to come back to them.

I struggled with plantar fasciitis for over a year and it was painful. I couldn’t even walk comfortably, so running and exercising was out of the question. It was terrible being unable to be athletic as I realized during this time how important that was to me. I would sit and think about how I would do anything to just dribble a soccer ball around.

Through this period, I also struggled with other issues that were related to my plantar fasciitis, namely a bunion and achilles tendonitis. These were nothing compared to the heel pain I was feeling, however.

After much research and experimentation, I finally found the answers to my problem.

These answers, and realizations really, became the inspiration for me to start this blog and make them the pillars which it stands on. I refer to them constantly throughout my writing because they are integral for me, and anyone else, to stay out of pain.

My Most Popular Articles

The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Get Out of Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain: The surprising technique the eliminated the majority of my pain in just a couple minutes.

Birkenstocks are Not Healthy for Your Feet: They served a purpose for me for some time, but I don’t think they are a long term solution to your problem.

The Best Release Technique for Achilles Tendonitis and Why it Works So Well: Just like with plantar fasciitis, I found the best technique to help the Achilles.

The One Connection Between All Lower Leg Injuries: Nobody pays attention to this crucial part of the body.

How to Quickly Heal a Sprained Ankle: The R.I.C.E. protocol is BS, so here’s the truth.

What Plantar Fasciitis Actually Is: Clarifying the long-held misunderstanding of plantar fasciosis.

Programs I Offer

As you may already know, I offer my plantar fasciitis program, The End of Plantar Fasciitis. This year I’d really like to expand my audience of readers in the plantar fasciitis relief realm so I can get more feedback on this program and the general advice I give.

While that is a very important program that I would recommend any of my struggling readers to consider, I have more ideas for programs I would like to offer. 

Because of the volume of people who suffer from this and the knowledge I already have regarding it, I’m very interested in releasing a bunion program as well. This is another issue I’ve struggled with myself and because I know how unpleasant and frustrating it can be, I want to help people learn how they can get rid of bunions and keep them away for good. 

Problems I’m Looking to Solve

Much of my blog is inspired by the journey I’ve been on while solving my own problems. This is why I’m very knowledgeable in specific areas and recommend things intentionally.

I don’t care if they’re accepted by the mainstream, I only care if they get results. So as I’ve mentioned, some of these problems I’ve had before but figured out were plantar fasciitis, bunions, achilles tendonitis, etc. Now I have a few other ones that I’m looking to solve which include:

Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) pain: This is a ligament that runs through the elbow. People who play baseball would probably be familiar with Tommy John surgery, this is what I had several years ago from pitching too much. Today it gives me a significant amount of elbow and forearm soreness as I’ve talked about in this article.

Low back tightness: This is something I’ve noticed get much worse with me over the past year. Working full time and not always getting to be as active or movement-centric as I’d like to be probably hasn’t helped. I will be digging deeper into this soon.

Upper back tightness / tingling: Another problem that’s accelerated in me while being at work a lot. My upper back is noticeably less flexible compared to a year ago and it even has a spot or two that will tingle sometimes. I now know from other injuries that tingling means blood flow is not ideal in that area.

Type of Content

At the moment, I write blog posts, send emails to my subscribers, and make videos that’re all centered around the same content. In the new year, I want to do more of the same with some extra perks. 

First, I want to offer more to my email subscribers. I plan to offer more free perks and helpful information that doesn’t make it into my regular blog posts. 

This will likely be in the form of free guides and helpful tips that I’ve come up with. I’ve begun taking more pictures of myself because I want my readers to have a visual to go along with what I’m recommending.

Second, I want to encourage more interaction from my readers. I like the idea of asking open-ended questions that everyone can give answers to in a community tab on YouTube or TikTok.

I’d also be willing to give specified answers to people who are regular readers and looking to solve their problems, but still need some help. This would most likely be done through email or in a comments section on the blog or under a video.

I want to encourage my readers to share the content they’re reading or watching with family and friends. I’ve noticed a fair amount of people, myself included at one point, who are looking for the information that will help them solve their problem but they don’t know where to look or how to search for it.

This is why I’ve added in “share” buttons that you’ll see in all my articles. Share with someone who may need to hear the advice given.

Third, I want to make a lot more video content. I’ve already begun this process on TikTok and YouTube because I think it helps people to have visuals and to have someone speaking directly to them. 

I’ve been having a lot of fun making them as well, so expect to see plenty of new material at the links below:

Where to Find Me

I am posting regularly on these platforms:

YouTube (@vitalsage)

TikTok (@vitalsage)


Twitter (@willzolpe)


Email Newsletter: Subscribe by entering your email below.

I can’t wait for what’s to come this year and to have you there along the way.

Don’t forget to share what you found helpful, comment, and connect with me wherever you choose.


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